Hot Yoga Asheville

On December 7th I had a full anterior [front] hip replacement. It was major surgery and it went perfectly. One reason for the success was my health momentum. Better nutrition and solid exercise habits were huge. A core element of my fitness routine is Hot Yoga. The final weeks before surgery were excruciating. It was painful to stand, it was painful to sit, it was painful to lay down, well…it was painful morning, noon, and night.

But, when I went to Hot Yoga Asheville I got a respite. Certainly the yoga helped [and the heat]. The community helped even more. Welcoming smiles, warm cheerful greetings, and the remarkable fondness of and for fellow yogis. I went as often as I could. At the end it was difficult to drive…but it was worth it.

I went the day before surgery and did not know if or when I would be able to return. Surgery was welcome, yet frightening.

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A little more than four weeks after surgery I went back to Yoga.The night before I went through the poses to ensure that I could participate.Happily, I found that if I was patient, I did well.

In the weeks since then (5) I have practiced consistently and I am sure that the people (Booie, Jen, and Rochelle to name a few) and the yoga helped make my recovery such a success. Hats off to Adi and the Hot Yoga Ashevillecommunity for being a key element if my recovery. I wish everyone who had surgery could have the great experience I have enjoyed with them before and after.

So good news if you enjoy yoga and are having hip replacement…not only can you return to your practice, but it is a superb part of your recovery.

Thank you for the first rate care Hot Yoga Asheville – Gold Star!

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